Assessment of Sales People

To get a better handle on the potential and the remedial needs of sales people we have partnered with The HR Chally Group, the leader in personnel assessment and a company that is focused singularly on testing personnel to predict success and identify needs. 

The HR Chally Group

The HR Chally Group has been offering assessment services since 1973.  They serve over 2000 customers globally and have a database of over 100,000 successful sales people.  They provide comprehensive "assessment" tests that can be taken on the Internet in 90 minutes or less.

Their "Assessments" will predict the likelihood of success for employment candidates.

Their "Assessments" will identify areas of strength to assist in proper placement of employees.

And, their "Assessments" identify critical areas where Mitchell programs can provide necessary skill improvement.

Why Choose Mitchell Selling Dynamics

- We can provide the remedial training identified as a result of the assessments
- We have extensive experience developing customized training programs
- We offer the widest variety of training programs of any sales training company.
- We are sales and marketing experts
- We have been working with The HR Chally Group since 2004
- We can do the whole assessment and training project or any part
- We are the best VALUE for this kind of project
- Mr. Mitchell is involved in every project personally.


How To Get Started

Give us a call in Michigan at 248-644-8092 or 800-328-9696 or email us and we will contact you.

Or contact The HR Chally Group yourself and tell them Mitchell sent you.  Their phone number in Dayton, Ohio is 937-259-1200

Your Cost

We can do assessment testing and reporting for a reasonable charge per person. 

The cost of very comprehensive and customized testing and assessments vary depending on the amount of customization required.



Mitchell Selling Dynamics, Inc.
Since 1990


1360 Puritan Avenue, Birmingham, Michigan 48009, USA
Phone: 248-644-8092

© Copyright 1996-2014 Mitchell Selling Dynamics Inc.