Consultative Selling

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This program, presented in its entirety by John Mitchell,  is for the more senior sales executive who has the capability to become a valuable business partner to his/her customers.  The two-day course involves analyzing the prospective customer's needs, developing business plans to satisfy those needs and extensive role-playing.   Students will prepare case work prior to class and develop business plans and strategies during the class.  The attendees receive a program book and a reference book with the reference book holding magazine articles, examples, samples and supplementary information compiled for the attendee's company.  This program is only available as a custom program that is put on at your facility or a hotel in your area.

Program Book Content

This is the book that is used for the lecture part of the class.  It provides detailed instructions on how to do consultative selling. Definitions, examples and specific how-to's are provided in this book.  The book is customized to meet the exact market situation of the attendee's company.

I. Introduction
        Program explanation
        Need for value-added selling
        Lanchester Strategic Model

II. Business Plan
        Importance of having a plan
        Situation Analysis
             - Business environment
             - Key customer issues
             - Competitive situation
         Profiles versus plans
         Our business plan format
             - Multi-year objectives
             - Strategies
             - Tactics to support strategies
             - Plans to implement tactics

III. Account Selection
        Criteria for selection
        Importance of a match
        External and internal factors
        Resources available to your customer
        Requirements for success

IV. Situation Analysis
        Sources of information
        Typical questions to ask
        Defining the issues, mind mapping
        Business environment
        Customer drivers
        Key contacts
             Contact types
             Contact predisposition
        Competitive situation
             Competitive share
             Competitor evaluation techniques
             Competitor SWOT
             Competitive strategies 

V. Multi-Year Objectives
        Share of this customer's business
        Sales to this customer
        Cost savings for this customer

VI. Strategies & Tactics To Bring Value
        Our SWOT
        Sample strategies
        Tactics to bring value
        Our investment
        Stop investment trigger

VII. Plan - Procurement
        What is the customer looking for
        What value can a distributor bring
        Distributor SWOT
        Distributor roles
        Your responsibility to your distributor

        Plan - Key Contacts
            Typical people plans
            Importance of after normal working hours

        Plan - Resources
            Identify needed resources
            Types of intelligence
            Challenges facing teams
             When and where to use headquarter's resources

VIII. Milestone Timetable
        Project definition
        Task definition
        Responsibility assignment

IX. Reporting
        Importance of reporting
        Whom to report to
        What to report
        Cost savings and improvement valuation
        How to report - format (written and oral)
        Demonstrations and demo forms
        Documentation letters

X. Process Summary
        Event identification
        Typical timetable

Reference Book Content

This is a reference book that includes copies of magazine articles, samples, examples and other supplementary materials which are referred to during the two-day program.  A good deal of the information is developed through discussions with the attendee's company.

I. Introduction
            Types of Sales People
            Lanchester Strategic Model
            Knowledge blocks to build program sales skills
            Factors affecting program success
            Anatomy of a sales article

II. Business Plan
            Business Plan blank form
            Strategic Account Action Plans
            Valued-Added Selling Business Plan
            Strategic Account Action Plan
            Example 1
            Example 2
            Example 3

III. Account Selection
            Return on sales person’s time
            Conquering financial ratios
            Spotting the bad credit risk
            Income statement example
            Balance sheet example
            Cash flow
           Analyzing your customer's financial situation
            Getting to yes

IV. Situation Analysis
            Customer profile
            Organization chart
            Customer Drivers
            Example 1
            Example 2
            Example 3

V. Multi-Year Objectives
            Sample forms completed
            Sample forms blank
            Example 1
            Example 2
            Example 3

VI. Strategies & Tactics To Bring Value
            Sample forms completed
            Sample forms blank
            Example 1
            Example 2
            Example 3

VII. Plans
            Plan   (Distribution)
                 - Example 1
            Plan  (Key contacts)
                 - Example 1
                 -   Training materials
            Plan   (Resources)
                 - Team-Ness indicators
                 -   Barriers to team-ness
                 - Higher, wider, deeper
                 - Why teams fail
                 - Teamwork makes dreams work article
                 -Get the Power        

VIII. Milestone Timetable
            Example 1
            Example 2
            Blank forms

IX. Reporting
            Measure the total cost of ownership
            Improve your verbal and written communications
            Customer Cost Savings Report
            Vendor Cost Reduction Documentation form
            Standard Cost Saving Evaluation
            Project Cost Saving History form
            Sales and Cost Saving History form
            Summary Sales and Cost Savings form
            Customer Supplier Cost Reduction Proposal form
            Cost Savings Detail report
            Test Supplement
            Customer 1  Test report
            Customer 2  Test report

X. Case 1 - ABC Manufacturing

XI. Case 2 - DEF Manufacturing

XII. Microsoft Office Files

XII. Other
            Room layout


What's Included

Mitchell's time developing custom cases, modifying the program book and assembling suitable reference materials for your situation
Analyzing your business situation and each attendee's needs
Two full-day sales training program with John Mitchell
Sound track recorded and provided to you on audio cassette tapes
The Consulative Selling program book for each attendee
The Reference book for each attendee
A Powerpoint presentation printout on the program
Name tent cards for each attendee
Room layout design for your specific meeting

Your Cost For The Custom Program

This program is highly personalized for your exact situation and it requires substantial pre-program development for customized cases.  We charge $5,000 to $12,000 for the first program and $3000 to $6000 for each follow-up program plus travel and living expenses. Travel time is extra depending on the time involved.  However, if we can use existing materials, with a minimum amount of modification, we will pass the savings on to you. There is more information about our charges for large groups in our fee schedule. Please contact our references or view our testimonial letters.
