Relationship Selling Seminar

Relationship Selling is available on-line FREE!

Anyone who sells can generate more revenues, profits and income after attending this TWO-DAY seminar.  You will get new ideas and learn how to manage time and manage relationships better.  

Here is what you will learn to do:

Grow profitable sales
Find prospects and convert them to customers
Build relationships and avoid creating interpersonal issues
Provide real VALUE to your customers by understanding their needs
Deal effectively with price issues
Close more accounts
Manage your time by prioritizing and scheduling your work with our unique system
Focus more on doing what's worth doing

John Mitchell packs every minute of his sales seminar full of practical, useful ideas that will generate more income for yourself and your company. Get new ideas on how to develop lasting relationships, build empathy, hold the line on price and close more profitable sales! Attendees will learn a new system to schedule their time based on priorities. It is ideal for both the beginning sales person who needs to know what to do and what not to do and the seasoned veteran who could benefit from new ideas on being more effective. This two-day program has extensive role-playing on both days where you will practice the techniques that are presented.

Discounted rates for custom programs at your facility are available

In our public seminars we limit the class size to 12 persons, so you get personalized treatment. Each class includes discussion about your situation and John Mitchell does everything possible to tailor the program to your needs.

Seminar Content - Two Day Program

Most companies do a pretty good job of teaching their sales people the technical aspects of their job.  We specialize in teaching them the softer aspects of their job.... managing time and managing relationships.  (To open and then print our brochure in PDF format click here: "Relationship Selling")

Introduction: Market Model, Purchase Facilitators, Readiness-To-Buy curve, Selling Process, Distribution of prospects for our products.
Profits: Understanding the importance of profits; Techniques to increase profits
Understanding Behavior: Recognizing different types of people and how to react to them. Motivation theory; Types of people; Styles of people; Right and left brain; How to recognize right and left brain people; Do's and don'ts for right and left brain people; Role-playing in this segment.
Added-Value Selling: Learning about your customer to understand his needs; Providing real value to your customer with your products and services.
Value-Added Selling: Using your own experience, professionalism and other unique personal characteristics to provide real value to your customer.
Being Professional: Handling yourself and your customers professionally. Extensive how-to tips are provided.
  We show you how to differentiate yourself with your appearance, preparedness, empathy for others, ability to provide Value, being dependable, product knowledge and enthusiasm. We show you how to make tons of customer contacts; Role-playing in this segment.
Starting A Sale: Getting a sale going from finding prospects to closing the deal;  Creating "Unique Selling Advantage" statements and "What's In It For Me" statements;  Developing databases and how to go after new customers using technology. We lay out the whole process including: Starting Off
; Asking General Questions; Going For A Walk; Asking Focused Questions and probing; Matching Needs With Your Products; Establishing Goals; Creating a winning Proposal. Role-playing in this segment.
Using Technology: Using the phone more effectively; Using a database for tracking activity; Auto-faxing with WinFaxPro; Auto-emailing HTML pages using Outlook
Closing: Understanding the purchase cycle. Event closing techniques; Preferred supplier closing techniques; Accomplishing your objective; Dealing with price; Overcoming objections; Summarizing; Getting the order; After the order; Dealing with rejection. Role-playing in this segment.
Selling In A Down Economy: Learning methods to grow your business when your market or the economy is down.  Strategic Linkages, Commonalities; Partnering; Vertical Networking; Existing Linkage Expansion, Problem Solving, Adding Value, Lead tracking, Resurrecting Old Accounts, Sharing Successes, Team Selling, Developing New Markets, Auto Contacting, Up-Selling and Cross-Selling; Holding the line on price; Re-looking at your assumptions.
Public Speaking: Feeling more comfortable and getting more business through speaking.  Dealing with fear using unique start-offs; Preparation; Delivery; Importance of stress; Asking for the order. Role-playing in this segment.
Managing Your Time: Using our unique system to select accounts and schedule contacts to them;  Setting up Microsoft Outlook synchronized with a PDA for calendaring, tasking and keeping contact information.  Crisis/priority quadrants; Establishing goals and plans; Maintaining a yearly schedule; Quebec example; What to do on Mondays and Fridays. Role-playing in this segment.
Being Organized: Setting goals and plans; Keeping track of purchases; Keeping "travel" folders on major customers; Keeping track of what you have; Contacts with headquarters; Handbook of information; Set up a home office; The best trunk in the business.
Tools of the Trade: Using planners, to-do books, calendars, computers and software to do it right.   Briefcase; Pocket Secretary; Things-To-Do book; Appointment book; Franklin planner; Inventory book; Microsoft Outlook, Palm Pilots; Computer and printer; Word processing; Spreadsheets; Database programs; Other programs; Cellular phone.
Common Problems To Avoid: Common Problems To Avoid.

Audio Files, Presentation and eBook Files

The Relationship Selling Audio Program and eBook Files are available on-line for FREE here ! Sales Training


Mitchell Selling Dynamics, Inc.


1360 Puritan Avenue, Birmingham, Michigan 48009, USA
John Cell Phone: 248-644-8092
John Email:

© Copyright Mitchell Selling Dynamics Inc.